Lapland Snow Design -hankkeen ensimmäinen pilottikohde:
Urbaaniin ympäristöön suunniteltu lumirakenteinen Arctic Snow Room 18.-26.2.2012
Pekankadun P-talo, Rovaniemi |
Arctic Snow Room: KAAMOS ON/OFF -muotinäytös |
Ympäristön suunnitteli Lapland Snow Design -hanke ja sen toteuttivat Lapin yliopiston taiteiden tiedekunta yhdessä Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa. Toteutusta tukivat City-Hotel, Rovaniemen kaupungin elinkeino- ja aluekehitysyksikkö, BRP Finland sekä Flatlight Films
Arctic Snow Room oli osa World Design Capital 2012 Helsinki-Rovaniemi yhteistyötä.
Arctic Snow Room, Rovaniemi 18.-26.2.2012
Arctic Snow Room was an arctic attraction designed to develop Arctic Design in urban environments. The attraction was built at the heart of Rovaniemi city on a two-storey car park built in the 1980's on Pekankatu street.
Lapland Snow Design Project initiated and designed the attraction, which was built by the Art and Design faculty of University of Lapland together with the Rovaniemi University of Applied sciences. The production was supported by City-Hotel, the city of Rovaniemi´s economic and regional development unit, BRP Finland Oy and FlatlightFilms.
Lapland Snow Design Project initiated and designed the attraction, which was built by the Art and Design faculty of University of Lapland together with the Rovaniemi University of Applied sciences. The production was supported by City-Hotel, the city of Rovaniemi´s economic and regional development unit, BRP Finland Oy and FlatlightFilms.
Arctic Snow Room was a part of the World Design Capital 2012 Helsinki - Rovaniemi collaboration.